Creating Filters

Standard Filters  

Creating Advanced Filters  

Advanced Filter Conditions  

Filter Operator Descriptions  

Advanced Filter Examples  

Where are the Report Filters?

Report filters are used to obtain more specific results from your data. They are found in the Step 6: Select your report criteria page of the Report Wizard.

Standard Filters

Standard filters are located at the top of the Select your report criteria page. They are the most basic, default filters for your report data.

  1. Select a value from the Columns dropdown list

  2. Specify a date range.

All fields in the Standard Filters section are required.

Creating Advanced Filters

AlertBoot provides the ability to designate more advanced filter criteria. Advanced Filters are located below the Standard Filters on the Select your report criteria page.

To enter Advanced filter criteria:

  1. Under the Advanced Filters section, select a field from the first dropdown list.

  2. Select an operator to use. (For descriptions of each operator, see Filter Operator Descriptions.)

  3. In the value field, enter the value to match. For some fields, you will have the opportunity to look up data. Click the Look Up icon to pop open a window to select data.


Selecting data in multiple filter rows assumes that ALL FILTER conditions must be met for the report. In the example above, the report results must include the employee David Ortiz with the Logon Name dortiz and with the Mobile No. 917-321-7654 -- Row 1 AND Row 2 AND Row 3. All 3 filters' criteria must be met to be part of the report.

Advanced Filter Conditions

However, in some instances you may want to have a more advanced filter relationship. For that, AlertBoot provides the ability to create an Advanced Filter Condition that changes the default "AND" relationship of these filter rows.

To apply an advanced filter condition:

  1. Click the Advanced Options link to expand the Select your Report Criteria screen.

  1. In the field labeled Advanced Filter Conditions, enter your specific filter relationship. Use each row's line number and separate them with AND, OR, or NOT to create the advanced conditions a record must meet to be included. [e.g., (1 AND 2) OR 3]. For some helpful examples, see Advanced Filter Examples.

AND -- Used to find records that match both values

OR -- Used to find records that match either value

NOT -- Used to find records that exclude values

The default number of rows is five (5) filter rows. You can add up to ten (10) rows maximum by clicking the Add Row link. To remove rows, click Remove Row.

The following are important tips to remember when entering Advanced Filter conditions:

  1. If you are using the Advanced Filter Conditions, you must include the line number for each filter line that contains a field, operator, and value.

  2. Make sure each open parenthesis "(" has a matching close parenthesis ")".

  3. Enclose conditions that have priority in parentheses. For example...

 "(1 AND 2) OR 3" finds results that meet either both the first two filters or the third.

 "1 AND (2 OR 3)" finds records that meet the first filter as well as either the second or third.

  1. Insert either AND, NOT, or OR between each filter line number. Avoid statements like "1 AND OR 2" AND "(1 2 3)."

  2. Begin a condition with the term NOT but do not end one with NOT. For example, "NOT 1 AND (2 OR 3)" finds records that meet any of the last two filters and excludes records that meet the first filter.

  3. If you remove the contents of a filter, do not forget to remove the number of that filter line from the Advanced Filter Conditions field.

Filter Operator Descriptions

The following is the list of operators that can be used when entering filter conditions. Not all operators may be available for different types of data.




Use for an exact match. For example, "Last_Name equals Smith"

Not Equal To

Shows records that do NOT have the value entered. For example, "Last_Name not equal to Smith" returns every user except for those with a last name of “Smith”.

Less Than

Used to filter for results that are less than the value entered. For example, "Number of logins less than 100" returns records where the Number of Logins is below 100.

Greater Than

Used to filter for results that are greater than the value entered. For example, " Number of logins greater than 100" returns only records that have a Number of logins greater than 100.

Less or Equal

Used to filter results that match or are less than the value entered. Same as "Less than" except it includes the entered value

Greater or Equal

Used to filter results that match or exceed the value entered. Same as "Greater than" except it includes the entered value


Used to find results that include one or more of the values entered. Results will NOT include partial matches of values.


Used to find results that do not contain any values that match those entered. Results will NOT include partial matches.


Used for fields that include your search string but could also include other information. For example, "User Last Name contains Smi" would find last names such as "Smith", "Nesmith", and "Smigel." This returns partial matches.

Does Not Contain

Eliminates records that do not contain the value entered. For example, "User Last Name does not contain Smith."

Starts With

Used when you know what your value starts with, but not the exact text. This is a narrower search term than "contains." For example, if you enter "Last Name starts with Smi", you would find "Smith" and "Smigel" but not "Nesmith."


Advanced Filter Examples

Use the following examples when entering advanced filter conditions:    



(1 AND 2) OR 3

Finds records that match both the first two filter lines or the third.

For example, Row 1: Encryption Status equals True

Row 2: Last Name equals Smith

Row 3: Number of Logins greater than 200


This filter will return either Users with Encrypted PC’s whose Last Name is Smith or PC’s with more than 200 logins.

1 AND (2 OR 3)

Finds records that match both the first filter line and either of the last two.

For example, Row 1: Encryption Status equals True

Row 2: Last Name equals Smith

Row 3: Number of Logins greater than 200


This filter will return only Users with Encrypted PC’s for which either the Last Name is Smith or the PC’s have more than 200 logins.

(1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)

Finds records that match both the first two filter lines or the second two filter lines.

For example,

Row 1: Last Name equals Smith

Row 2: Number of Logins greater than 200

Row 3: Last Name equals Brown

Row 4: Number of Logins greater than 200

This filter returns activations for Users whose Last Name is Smith who have more than 200 logins or activations for Users whose Last Name is Brown who have more than 200 logins.

(1 OR 2 OR 3) AND 4

Finds records that match any of the first three filters that also include the last.

For example, you could use these filter conditions for your Accounts Receivable:

Row 1: Last Name equals Smith

Row 2: Last Name equals Brown

Row 3: Last Name equals Jones

Row 4: Number of Logins greater than 200

This filter will return Users whose Last Name is Smith or Brown or Jones and whose Number of Logins is more than 200

(4 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 1

Finds records that match filter 1 as well as those that match filter 4 and either the second or third filter.

For example, using the filter conditions from the previous example...

Row 1: Last Name equals Smith

Row 2: Last Name equals Brown

Row 3: Last Name equals Jones

Row 4: Number of Logins greater than 200

This filter will return users with the last name of Smith as well as those with more than 200 logins with the last name of either Brown or Jones.

Note that you do not need to enter filter line numbers in order.