QuickStart setup wizard link on the home page enables the AlertBoot administrator to easily setup your AlertBoot account for new users.
To quickly setup new users:
the home page, under the Tools
panel, click the QuickStart Setup Wizard
link to launch the quickstart setup wizard.
Endpoint Device Workgroups/Active Directory Configuration screen is displayed:
Configure the endpoint
device workgroups/ active directory domains for your endpoint computers.
Details on windows workgroup/
active directory configuration can be found in the section Workgroup/Domain
Click Proceed to Step 2 - Adding Endpoint Users. A dialog box with the following options is displayed:
Enter users one at a time using this web site: Select this radio button to add one user a time.
import several users using an Excel or CSV file: Select this radio
button to add multiple users
Click Proceed
to Step 2 button.
The AlertBoot User Edit screen is displayed.
AlertBoot User Edit screen contains the following fields:
User Details: Enter the details of new user namely the First name, Last name, Email, Number of machines under the user, user's mobile number. You can also indicate in the check-box provided if the user is an active member, or a member of any existing user group.
Recovery Options: This is an optional section, see Recovery Questions to know more.
Custom Fields: These
are custom fields you have created for the user. You can choose to have
any data field, like a Company ID number or an alternate Email of the
Save, to save new user details.
Or, click Save & New button
to add multiple new users, one after the other rapidly.