The setup audit trail history helps you track the recent setup changes that you and other administrators have made to your organization. This can be especially useful in organizations with multiple administrators.
To view the setup audit trail history:
Click Setup | Security Controls | View Setup Audit Trail.
The View Setup Audit Trail screen is displayed:
The setup audit trail history displays the 20 most recent setup changes made to your organization. It lists the date of the change, who made it, and what the change was.
To download your organization’s full setup history for the past six months, click the Download link at either the top or bottom of the screen.
at the top of the screen
or at the bottom of the screen
The Opening SetupAudit.xls dialogue box is displayed:
Click OK to open the Setup Audit file in Excel.
The setup audit trail history tracks the following types of changes:
Company information, default settings such as language or locale, and company message changes
Changes to user interface settings
User, portal user, role, and profile changes
Password policy changes
Session settings changes, such as changing the session timeout setting.